Monday, February 19, 2007


Hey, here are a few pics from Tahoe, it was AMAZING up there, they lived on the top of a mountain, you can't get any farther from civilization, we had to take the cars most of the way up the hill, then go the rest of the way in this little mini-snow tank thing they had, it was sweet, I decided that I'm going to sell all I own and buy a snowmobile, it is all I require for happiness.

The view from up there.

Oh yeah, I kinda got their snowmobile stuck. . . .

Another view from up top our first morning there
We're gonna combine all of our pics and after that I'll get some more fun ones to put up here
Love you all!


Jamie said...

i like the snowmobile one.

and my name is not actually that cool. just "amie" means "friend" in french. oui.

Curt said...

Wahooo - Looks like it was a great time in the snow. I'm missing it this year. Wah!!! Thanks for putting them up!!!