Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What's Up in SD

First of all, Dad/Curt, we all loved your post. And look forward soooo much to the synchronized swimming video. Steve and I especially can't wait.

So, since we're all so spread apart right now, here's a brief update of what's going on with the San Diego Waltons.

Ten Things That Have/Are Happened/Happening Recently
  1. I am taking 5 classes, and I'm ALMOST a college graduate!
  2. Steve is taking midterms right now, which means studying until his brain fries and then playing Legend of Zelda with me on Gamecube.
  3. We learned how to make a chicken-rice bake thing. Yum. And Steve bought chicken breasts the size of cows to make it with. Seriously, ONE of them fed BOTH of us, with quite a bit left over. Look out for Godzilla chickens.
  4. I finally got my name changed with Social Security & the DMV, and I got my new Walton-ified drivers license in the mail last week!!!
  5. I gave Steve a (really good) haircut. It came out much better than the first try, which was a couple of months ago. Ask him about how well I blended it. (Really well.)
  6. We went on a triple date with 2 couples from our ward: NYC style pizza (Steve approved) and the movie "Breach" (not worth $10 apiece). We rode in a minivan, like we were in highschool again. It was awesome.
  7. I'm starting to look for a new job, because my job is abruptly ending in March because my contract is up. Sad.
  8. A shuttle bus caught on fire at UCSD! But it wasn't Steve's, and no one was hurt. It just looked really cool/scary.
  9. The Format is playing here Friday, so that will probably be our date night. (Jess, we had so much fun with you last time!)

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