Monday, May 7, 2007

Why Life Is Great...

Life is great in the Jamie and Steve Walton home... Waffle night was a blast last night... Rick and Freddy showed up again. It was a smaller turnout then last time, but everyone there was just a ton of fun.

I have a midterm coming up tomorrow... Shouldn't be too hard... Jamie is doing great at her new job... Her bosses love her to death...

Summer's here in San Diego... It was really hot today... I even broke a sweat riding my bike to school!

Oh, and another reason life is great. Here is what I woke up to this morning after Jamie left for work. This was on the dining table:



the Kev said...

You are my . . . glowing stop sign? :)

Emily said...

you are no her son... you are her husband!!

the Mom! said...

Ok Emily and Kev,
How did you not get, "You are my sunshine".......come on.........(I know you were just kidding and I thought they were pretty clever interpretations.

I have to say you guys are "too cute"!!!!!

Love to all,