Tuesday, June 5, 2007

CD Cover

Ok, I've gone a little Photoshop-happy today, after hearing a friend refer to that other picture as the recruiting poster, I decided to go with the "album cover" one, too . . .

Looks like it was on sale, at least . . .

Oh, and THANK YOU EVERYONE for your birthday wishes!! I am seriously so blessed to have a family like you!! For serious! (I am also lucky to have heard Dad's lovely singing voice in this morning's rendition of 'Happy Birthday')



Steve-O said...

you do know that this was posted at 4:20... sick...

Rach said...

I'm down with the CD cover as long as it isn't Country.

the Mom! said...

What's the deal....Dad's voice wasn't the only one that you heard this morning!!!!! What about the rest of us?????

the Kev said...

yes, i heard the rest of you, dad's voice just kind of . . . resonates? above the rest? :)