Saturday, June 30, 2007


Just because you are the best
And your teeth must be cleaned with Crest
Michelle and emily want to give you a birthday vest
It would look nice on your chest
Even when facing west
'Surely while creating your and stevens nest

Birthdays come but once a year
Do you want a beer?
Anyways, hip hip hooray, that is the walton cheer!
Yes, we all love you so much dear


Curt said...

Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jamie!!! I couldn't have written a better poem so I'll leave that up to Emily. Hope your day was fantastic and that you were able to relax a wee bit.

Love you!


Jamie said...

Wow ladies. I could not have asked for a better poem. But Michelle, I really wish you'd stop offering me beers. *sigh* Love you!!!