HEY EVERYONE!! -- Since we're not all able to be home (in fact, only 28.5714% of the original 7 of us are at home right now), I thought we could all write what we love about dad and/or our favorite memory with him for his birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Among many, one of my favorite memories of us took place a few weeks before my mission. All of us kids had fallen asleep upstairs watching a movie, and I woke up and looked around and realized that it was one of the last times that I'd be around everyone like that before we all ran off to missions and/or college, and it hit me pretty hard that I was really going on a mission. I went downstairs to find you in your office, and I explained to you what I was feeling and how freaked out I was, and you gave me a huge hug and (of course) I started bawling, and apparently I was crying so hard that it caused my nose to start bleeding, which got all over the back of your shirt! We went inside so you could soak it in water and we sat and talked on the couch for quite a while and you calmed me down and told me about your mission and how life in South America is (which was all true except for me having to eat rice and beans! haha) but I was just so grateful to have such an understanding and caring dad. It's been really hard to watch Rach and her family react to the loss of her dad, they miss him so much, he was such a good influence in their family, as you have been to ours, Dad, my heart goes out to them, because I can't imagine how that must be for them, our family wouldn't be the same without you, I am so glad that you and Mom found each other and started such an amazing family. Thanks again for everything you do for us, Dad, I love you.
1 comment:
Even though it is past your birthday in California, it is still your birthday in Seattle. I know, I know, I am like that tacky visiting teacher who comes at 11:45 on the last day of the month. But, it is better late than never, right? Well...as for a favorite memory...since I have a plethera to choose from...I think my favorite memory was hearing you sing on CD for the first time (you have an amazing voice and I can't wait to hear it live)! I will also never forget the time that you discovered that Eric knocked off your last perfect yellow rose with his basketball. You weren't angry (or if you were you hid it pretty well). It was as if you were glad to find another opportunity for you to make your family laugh. I also loved participating in the fireworks scandal on the beach and walking away nonchalantly to throw off any potential authorities. I know that I am not your daughter (you already have two beautiful ones) but I appreciate the Father that you have been to Kevin and I know that he will honor his priesthood because the importance of that honor was instilled within him through your loving example. Happy Birthday (e muito mais)!!!!!!!!!
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