Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Emily and Mom arrive in Sydney

We finally made it to Sydney and we have had a great time today. In fact, Emily is up in our room because she is worn out, while I came down to the internet cafe. We took the train into Sydney to our hotel and it was a crack up getting off the train. There were no elevators and so we had to drag our suitcases us 5 flights of stairs. Luckily we had several good samaritans that helped us!!! Then we were walking throught he streets of Sydney with our suitcases. (imagine a city like SF). It was quite entertaining. We are staying in a fun hotel that is also a backpacker one, but we actually have our own room but are sharing a bathroom. It is a kick. We went to the opera house today, which is so pretty. While we were there, a Japanese man came up to me and then wanted to take a picture with him. I found that quite amusing! We crossed their famouse bridge Emily was very disappointed that they had the gate around it (so people won't jump). It is a beautiful city!!! We also went to the botanical gardens. Whoops I have to go because my time is almost up. Love, MOm

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